Thursday, July 21, 2011


     What happened to the jobs Mr Obama? As this guy spews out his delusional speeches about job creation and a great economy, unemployment is still on the rise. Along with American pride alot of people got tired of having to go through the rigorous obstacles of dealing with government officials to claim there unemployment benefits that they just simply said to hell with it and tried to survive without it and continued there job searches which created the small dip and drop in which case Mr Obama was there with a big smile on his face ready to take credit for the unemployment drop. A high percentage of Americans have simply given up there job searches because it feels pointless after spending endless money on gas and transportation to look for something that is just not out there anymore. Now they have no other choice but to claim there benefits and deal with the hassle of the government, now the numbers are going back up along with more and more layoffs from companies.

In case anybody has forgotten besides the President, it takes money to buy gas of which is rising daily. Its also hard for people to constantly spend money on something like a job search that isn't paying off when you have no income and bills are constantly coming in and you have mouths to feed with the price of groceries on the rise. Its easier for households that have at least one spouse working but its still very hard. Its even harder for a single mom or dad or just a single person in general with or without a family. Most Americans don't even have any money saved up to fall back on and the ones that did have used it to survive on in this time of need.   Rodney.....