Friday, September 20, 2013

"Obamas Defunded Failure"

On Friday, the House Republicans voted 230 to 189 to defund Obamacare. Its headed to the Senate where its expected to be voted down by democrats. You are probably hearing all the threats and fear mongering from democrats and the President already about the government shutting down and how its all the big bad ole republicans fault. Well, the truth is, Republicans voted to fund all programs from military to welfare and disability to unemployment. Everything will continue to be funded EXCEPT Obamacare. They have no intentions of shutting down any government or defunding any other program. In fact, they keep everything funded until mid December. Democrats now have a choice, they can choose to fund all these programs and defund obamacare, or they can vote the bill down and return it to the house with no funding for anything. So if the government does shutdown, it will be the democrats doing it. John Boehner explains how America is losing jobs and insurance because of Obamacare. Home Depot came out today and said they are expected to shut off insurance to their part time workers and force them toward obamacare. They also said they will be cutting fulltime jobs and keeping employees under 29 Hours. Unions have also come out against Obamacare after they pushed to get it put into law. They now have seen the negative impact it will impose on its Union members and the economy when it goes into full effect. And an Ohio clinic well known as the “ Cleveland Clinic, that President Obama used for support is now blaming Obamacare for a $330 Million cut from its budget. They also said they will be forcing over 3,000 Employees into early retirement and scheduling layoffs as needed.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

" Al Qaeda, The CIA Creation "

An Ex Al Qaeda Leader says US Government is leading Jihadist in Syria. The information is public for anyone with a mind to do a little research on their own in regards to our CIA and Pakistani Intelligence creating Al Qaeda in the 1980's. Al Qaeda was created by the US CIA and Pakistani Intelligence to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. In fact Osama bin laden was a top Agent employed by The United States CIA. I personally can't get my head around the fact that we have a president in office who is on record giving over $300 Million to the leader of Al Qaeda.  Obama also gave support to Jihadist of which admitted to the public they were members of Al Qaeda when he started his war in Libya. Taking out Gaddafi helped the Jihadist in their war and put them in power in the area giving them a stronghold to take control of the middle east. Now Obama has given more money and weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria to fight the Syrian leader, Assad. Obama is eager to send our troops over to take out Al Qaeda's enemy Assad for them, once again so they can take over and be in control of the region. Why are we allowing a President to remain in office who supports these terrorist? Better yet, he sends the people $6 Million per month, but our troops can't get proper health care and treatment or the benefits they earned. Republicans are arguing over food stamps and welfare benefits that go to our poor, although i know these programs are full of fraud, i would rather my tax money go to fraudulent Americans and back into our economy than shipped out of our country to aid our enemies. Democrats are so busy trying to dis arm law abiding citizens here in America but their own messiah Obama, hands over weapons to Known terrorist. Is it just me, or is something seriously wrong with this picture? Why are Americans tolerating this? Would Americans have tolerated this a few weeks from 9/11? What happened to NEVER FORGOTTEN? Seems to me this whole damn country has forgotten.

" The Good Muslim "

I did NOT write this, but it makes some great points. Just thought i would share.

Can a good Muslim be a good American or Canadian? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.
The following is his reply:
Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia ..
Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam ... (Quran, 2:256) (Koran) Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.
Geographically - no .. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.. Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews ... Politically - no... Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.
Domestically - no. .. . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 )
Intellectually - no... Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically - no. . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually - no... Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.
Therefore, after much study and deliberation.... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and good Americans/Canadians. Call it what you wish it's still the truth.
You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. ..........

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.


" Hillary Clinton Bi Sexual "

Gennifer Flowers comes out after two decades and says her and Bill Clinton would be together today if it weren't for Chelsea Clinton. For those of you who don't remember Gennifer Flowers, she is a little rock arkansas reporter and one of the mistresses Bill Clinton had an affair with. She claims Bill confided in her that Hillary was a Bi Sexual and claims after that they all had a relationship. It was her, Bill and Hillary and then chelsea came along and posed a problem for the threesome and with all the politics, the stakes just got to high. She also claims Bill called her in New Orleans back in 2005 and wanted to put on a hoodie and jog over to have sex with her like the old days. She says he was very adamant about wanting to see her. Once again more information to show how deceitful the Clinton's have been and are to this day. And here we thought ole billy boy was just a womanizing wife cheater and feeling sympathy for Hillary all these years. Now i guess we know the REAL reasons why she "Stood by her man" during all those affairs. You know, i really could care less what people do in their personal lives but you would think America would want people with better character, morals and honesty to be in positions of power running this country. People still run behind Bill Clinton like a superstar and saying he was the best president ever. Nevermind that the Republicans had control over the house and senate during his stay in office making it a better environment for negotiations and working together. Congress couldn't do anything with his approval and he couldn't do anything without their approval. So they always reached agreements in best interest of America. But of course low information voters give him all the credit while ignoring his womanizing, and smearing of the Presidency.

" New Debt Ceiling Talks"

The great buffoon in chief says in his speech today that raising our debt ceiling will not increase our nation's debt. How stupid is this guy? Obviously he is dumber than a sack of hammers or he is just trying to fool the low information supporters he leads. Once you max out your debt, you raise the limit, then run it up again. But somehow he is ignoring facts and spewing out rhetoric saying it only means you have to pay your bills. Coming from a man who took us from the midpoint of 10 trill up to now 16.9 trill and about to hit the 17 trill mark soon. A total of about 6.5 trillion dollars in less than 5 years. This is almost as much as all presidents combined.    

"Currency War"

The Federal Reserve has decided not to taper the United States Currency bringing back talks of a global currency war. While the United States greenback decreases in value yet again, the Euro, the British Pound, and the Australian Dollar has soared. Analyst are warning the Feds decision could prompt other banks to devalue their currencies in order to gain a competitive edge.  Boris Schlossberg of MK Asset Management warns being on the verge of a currency war if the Fed doesn't change its mind and taper by October, at the very latest December.  Schlossberg also says that Japan's dollar Yen is strengthen and not showing as many signs of buckling as much as other currencies. This may very well just be regurgitated fear mongering from CNBC or it may very well be the Fed manipulation catching up to them. If so, this will not be good for America and her economy.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

'Senile Politicians"

Should we set limits on how long politicians can be in office? I mean obviously if they keep getting reelected then somebody wants them in office right? Well, i have to rethink this when i hear the ramblings of John McCain and Lindsey Graham and a handful of others including John Boehner and Mitch Mcconnell. These establishment republicans are just as much of a harm to this country as these loony liberals. They support something one day, then the next day they do a complete flip. They don't care what happens to the American people, they just want to keep their pockets lined as they have for years with the money from big corporations. With a new generation of  True American Conservatives and Libertarians who hold true to themselves, the American people and the values and morals instilled in them, there is no room for these old rhinos ( elephants ) and donkeys anymore. We are now observing a power struggle between the greedy elite and the True Americans. These people remind me of the old days in small towns i would see a political party did not matter, what mattered is who paid off who, and these idiots we have in washington as of now still hold that old small town pocket lining mentality. Everybody sells everybody out for a buck and its the American people who suffer. The older they get, the worse they get. They become senile and unresponsive to the problems of America. Democrats have their fair share also, from Harry Reid to Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein and many more. These people from both sides of the aisle have run amuck for to long and personally i think its time they all go away.

" Crazy Liberals"

How funny was it to watch piers morgan rant and rave over gun control last night along with other liberals and even go as far as to say the navy yard shooter bought the AR 15 he used in the shooting in the state of Virginia. Not only that, but continued to argue they had documented proof and continued to stand on this all night. Yelling and demanding for gun control and screaming about AR 15s and assault rifles. Nevermind the guy had mental issues and was on medications etc. But its the Ar 15s fault. You know, the big bad ole Ar 15 assault rifle that wasn't used. The Ar 15 that the shooter did not own. The Ar 15 that was never even at the shooting! It was the funniest thing i ever saw today when the facts came out and said he used a shotgun and stole 2 pistols from the Navy yard area during the shooting. They even said in plain english, NO AR 15 WAS USED in this shooting. As a proud gun owner, i can honestly say that was a great moment to watch the liberals squirm in their chairs as they were being proven to be liars and making up so called facts as usual. On the other hand, there was not any enjoyment to be had out of this shooting for us normal minded Americans because many people were injured and lost their lives. But that didn't stop liberals from having a woolly gagging good time. Liberals continue to ignore the facts about mental health and crazed criminals and continue to go after law abiding citizens. They showed no concern, no emotions and not a care in the world about these people yesterday. They fired the ole gun control wagon right up and start going full speed ahead yesterday forgetting the shooting was evening happening and running rampant with attacks defending gun control before they even had any facts. They felt as if their gun ban agenda was more important than the lives of these people. But what can you expect from a bunch of crazed loons led by a psychotic president who also showed no concern or sensitivity to the issue yesterday as he strutted around on stage with his chest out trying to claim credit for a booming economy that just doesn't exist and constantly attacking republicans every other breathe.

Monday, September 16, 2013

"Navy Yard Shooting"

As i have been watching the breaking news and live media coverage all day of the navy yard shooting i have wondered if this is yet another false flag event. I scrolled around the various news outlets and i find that ABC and a few others post dated this story for the 9/15/13. Even the associated press released a newspaper yesterday for this shooting. I could speculate as to what's going on here but after all the sandy hook and theater massacre lies and falsified information and false flag fema training events, I have a pretty good idea at what's going on here. A white male and a black male in there 50s. Sounds like they are trying to make it out to be a act of domestic terrorism from a militia. Perfect for their gun control argument right when they just lost a rumbling amount of support and losing 2 democrat senators. Also what would work better to take our eyes off syria right now and put focus back on gun control. Harry Reid just said 4 days ago that they didn't have nowhere near enough votes for gun control, and wouldn't revisit it until possibly next year. Now, the first words out of the liberal media is about gun control again. Go figure.. They ache for these shootings to happen so they can spin them around and use them to pursue their agendas. When this stuff happens they start foaming at the mouth like rabid animals. Which is why many people such as myself research this stuff and put the pieces together and believe they create false flag events with crisis actors from fema. I will write more on that topic at a later date. These people have no emotion, no concern, no sympathy. There is even video out of the reporters and so called homeland security officials and a witness laughing it up when they thought they weren't on camera then immediately got serious and went into acting mode and the tears and panic started coming out. Are these people psychopaths?

Friday, September 13, 2013

"Patriots or Phonies"

Every year at the same time we hear about 9 11 and everybody suddenly becomes patriotic. Are they really patriotic or are they phony. I say this because most people does not think about 9 11 until 9 11 gets here. They do not think about the 3400 people who lost their lives. They do not think about all the rights we have lost in the name of terrorism and all the rights that we are in the process of losing in the name of terrorism. I could be wrong but it seems to me that if Americans were really as patriotic as they claim to be they would not allow Muslims to march in Washington DC while our own government authority denies permits for American citizens to do the same. If Americans were really as patriotic as they claim to be, why would they allow Muslims in full head garb to walk right past metal detectors and screening processes at airports while our veterans and returning soldiers, civilians and other Americans are patted down, searched and molested by TSA agents. If Americans were really as patriotic as they claim to be, why would they allow a president to remain in office who repeats the holy quran and says the Azan, "Muslim call to worship" is the best thing that a person could hear in the morning. If Americans were really as patriotic as they claim to be, why would they allow a President to remain in office that cancels the National Day of Prayer and says America is no longer a Christian nation.  If Americans were really as patriotic as they claim to be, why would they allow The President and Government of the United States of America to fund, support, and send weapons to our enemies. The very terrorist that our government wants to protect us from so bad that we can't carry shampoo on an airplane, or walk through an airport without being fondled. The same terrorist who are the reason why the NSA steals phone records and personal emails and other information from millions of  Americans. The same terrorist who our great American troops have fought against and many died fighting. You may call these Americans Patriotic on 9 11 each year, but i call them a bunch of phonies.

"Rights or Privileges"

What is our Constitution, what does the Constitution mean and who does the Constitution apply to? Our Constitution of the United States of America was put in place by our founding fathers. Our founding fathers created the Constitution to make sure that our country was never ran by a tyrannical government. Liberals are always attacking the Constitution and talking about negative Liberty. There is no such thing as a negative Liberty. We all strive for liberty and freedom and thats what makes us a great nation. How can Liberty and Freedom be negative? People have the freedom and liberty to achieve anything they want to achieve in life and in the pursuit of happiness. These negative liberties they are referring to are the amendments that limit the power of government. The First Amendment, gives us the freedom of speech and it also tells what the government can and can't do to be or not be in violation of our freedom of speech. The 2nd amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms. It also tells what the government can and can't do to be or not be in violation of our right to bear arms and so on and so on.. To them, these are considered negative Liberties because it limits government from infringing upon our natural God given rights. The average joe, doesn't understand the difference between a privilege and a right and are quick to shove their rights down the drain to obtain privileges given by government. An example of this would be, ( Well you have a right to bear arms, but in order to carry your firearm you need a permit ) So now, this is saying if you get a permit you will have a privilege to carry your firearm. This is already your right, but you are abiding by a law that is not truly a law and throwing away your right to obtain a privilege. The Constitution applies to all American citizens no matter their race, sex, or religion. The Constitution limits Government from stealing your rights, but the Government goes and makes amendments to give them false authority to take your rights and replace them with privileges that are interpreted laws to extort money from you when you don't comply. We are allowing the government to govern themselves when it is 100% We The People's duty to govern them. This is like letting the fox patrol the hen house to keep other foxes out. Or when the foxes get in and eat the hens, we leave it up to the foxes that ate the hens to punish themselves for eating the hens. This just does not work! Its time we inform our youth about what the constitution really means and that its not just some old outdated paper that isn't cool. Its our past, our present, and our future!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

"Internet Narcissist"

We live in a time when technology is booming more than ever but also a time when false egos and fake superstar statuses are rising out of control. On the internet, a person can become anything they want and anyone they want. These people can't seem to deal with reality when they are forced to close their web pages and walk out of their home. Why does an unemployed man, while drawing unemployment get on the internet and pretend he is a CEO of a company, or owns his own business and claim millionaire status? Why does he claim to live in a 6 bedroom home when he actually lives in a camper in an RV park? Why does a teenager steal money to buy drugs and fake jewelry to parade around on the internet posting pictures and videos claiming he is a big successful drug dealing rapper? Why do women get on the internet in slutty clothing taking half nude pictures of themselves seeking approval from internet perverts? Why do they seek such self esteem boost from individuals who would say the same sweet nothings to the next scantily dressed herd of internet women they meet of whom will show them their panties? These types of people have created their own little world on the internet and have dwelled so deep in it, they are actually starting to believe they are models, superstars, rappers, and millionaires. They become so caught up in the make believe fairy tales they have created, that they have the attention span of  a nat. Its seems as if we didn't have enough liars and psychopaths in the world, we now have a society filled with narcissistic liars from young to old. They get desensitized from the real world. Morals no longer matter to them, Other peoples feelings are nothing important to them, and common courtesy for fellow human beings is of no concern. How do we reverse this destructive behavior that is becoming a rapid infectious mind disease of our society?