Thursday, July 21, 2011


     What happened to the jobs Mr Obama? As this guy spews out his delusional speeches about job creation and a great economy, unemployment is still on the rise. Along with American pride alot of people got tired of having to go through the rigorous obstacles of dealing with government officials to claim there unemployment benefits that they just simply said to hell with it and tried to survive without it and continued there job searches which created the small dip and drop in which case Mr Obama was there with a big smile on his face ready to take credit for the unemployment drop. A high percentage of Americans have simply given up there job searches because it feels pointless after spending endless money on gas and transportation to look for something that is just not out there anymore. Now they have no other choice but to claim there benefits and deal with the hassle of the government, now the numbers are going back up along with more and more layoffs from companies.

In case anybody has forgotten besides the President, it takes money to buy gas of which is rising daily. Its also hard for people to constantly spend money on something like a job search that isn't paying off when you have no income and bills are constantly coming in and you have mouths to feed with the price of groceries on the rise. Its easier for households that have at least one spouse working but its still very hard. Its even harder for a single mom or dad or just a single person in general with or without a family. Most Americans don't even have any money saved up to fall back on and the ones that did have used it to survive on in this time of need.   Rodney.....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"BP Whistle Blowers"

    I'm a little behind on this issue, but i just picked up on it late last night when i was researching a few things. Does anybody find it odd that out of 12 people that were blowing the whistle on BP after the oil spills, 9 of them are mysteriously dead from different causes, and 1 has just flat out disappeared, 1 almost dead after he was shot 4 times through his front door and his niece being shot twice and the other one is in jail on some highly questionable charges.
    This is just hard to believe that all these deaths etc, happened naturally. Some are speculating that they were terminated by the big oil companies goons with some government help. All of these deaths occurred within 1 year. Something just don't seem right about this at all. I think they all should be reopened for investigation. Rodney.....

"New Madrid Fault"

   I'm not sure how many people are aware of the new madrid fault and fema's drills. I have been visiting quiet frequently to stay updated on the tremors, and small quakes. It seems the new madrid fault is becoming more and more active as the months go by. Fema has practiced drills in these areas and has stored away limitless funds and supplies for this exact catastrophic event but denies it all to keep down panic. They know it is coming and researchers say that when the new madrid fault decides to let out the big one, its gonna gonna be bad.
   In fact they expect at least 150 miles of land on each side of the Mississippi river to be destroyed and under water. They say the river will open up around 150 plus miles on each side of the river and suck up the ocean water from gulf causing the river to run backwards separating most of the eastern half of the country from the west all the way up to middle Illinois down to the gulf coast.
  Many of the largest record breaking earthquakes to ever hit the United States hit in 1811 and 1812. They occurred in Arkansas, Tennessee, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and were felt all the way up to Canada and down to the gulf coast. This year of 2011 and 2012 will be the 200th anniversary, of the new madrid quakes.

"The Debt Fact"

     Sometimes I wonder what in the hell is going on in peoples minds. Anybody with any normal amount of common sense is against raising the debt ceiling. While we are above 14 trill and rising on the debt clock, some Americans still want to raise the debt ceiling and when you explain this is the wrong approach to the problems at hand, the main excuse from them is ( Well Bush Raised It 7 Times ) but what people fail to realize is the fact that out of 7 times of raising it within two terms ( 8 years ) of presidency, it still didn't reach what this current Obama administration has spent in less than 30 months of presidency. It was less than 2 years when this administration put us 4 trill further in debt and bush barely went over 4 trill in debt in 8 years from 2000 to 2008.
     I did not make this stuff up. Its known facts that you can find if you do your research. That is just a fact i wanted to put out there because I'm tired of hearing that excuse from people that suffer from the ( Bush Hate Syndrome ) or the ( Obama Is God Syndrome ). Although I am not taking sides of any administration nor the sides of Republican or Democrat, raising the debt ceiling is just something this country and we as Americans, just cannot afford, no matter what political view any of us have.
    Its high time that we as Americans join together as one and stop finger pointing and making lame excuses for political figures that wouldn't piss on you if your on fire. Rodney.....

"Weird Morning"

      I got up at 4:25 am this morning to see the wife off to work. I walked outside to get some air and check on the automobile. The sky looked dark and lonely with a slight breeze of hot stale air. This was kinda odd to me considering the moon was full and bright but it just didn't seem to light up the sky or provide lighted ground cover. All seemed calm but something seemed weird. Thirty acres of country property and not one cricket clapping or one bird chirping, not a sound or a peep from mother natures creatures. I still haven't put my finger on it. This isn't the first time I have felt this way, its happened quiet a few times in the past month. Chills run up and down my back as the overwhelming feeling of loneliness over takes me leaving me feeling as if I'm the only person left in the world as i look into the black sky with a bright moon starring back at me. Rodney........

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


    Obesity is a word that I'm tired of hearing about. I'm tired of the government and other people relating obesity to somebody stuffing there faces with greasy fatty foods 10 times a day. While this may be true in some cases, these days people are having to buy crappy cheap brand generic foods because they cannot afford the healthier name brands. These cheaper foods are stripped of vital nutrients and vitamins and filled with bi products and sugars. These fillers cause you to gain rapid weight and still be hungry after a meal, because your body didn't get what it needed.
    Grocery chains started doing what the fast food restaurants started doing years back, they add sugar to everything and i wont mention any names because i don't want to be in any law suits, but if you do your research on the big chain fast food businesses you will find that they add sugar to things from french fries to hamburger buns, this is highly addictive believe it or not. Many Americans have no clue about whats in modern foods anymore, cancer is at a higher rate than its ever been.When i was a kid you hardly ever heard of people dying from cancers and heart attacks.
    This stuff comes from the things that are secretly, well i shouldn't say secretly because if people researched it they would know, but it comes from all these harmful additives that have no healthy benefits to our foods. Not long ago, a brand of milk from a certain HIGH KNOWN store, was proven that it contained hormones that made very young girls develop breast like grown women. They give chickens steroids so they will go from a chick to an full grown chicken ready for slaughter within 2 weeks. All this stuff is passed on to people. Ever heard of putting out rat poison to kill a rat and then a cat eat the rat and die? Well same effect, only your not dying immediately but your in taking harmful things that causes, birth defects, health problems, body changes, cancers, weight gain etc, all because they are adding things to our foods for there own profits.
   Here is another one for you, all across America we have sanitation stations,water filtration plants or whatever your local water treatment facility is called. The government requires them to add fluoride to the water before its drinkable, why? because fluoride makes men sterile and its about population control,which ill get into later in another blog. Autism and ADHD is at an all time high and nobody seems to even care, they already proved that it was linked to the Government required shots that your required to give your babies. Ill also do more on this topic in another blog also.   Rodney.........


   At times it is mind blowing when i hear people talk about the President or the new up runners for the position of being President, and other congressional or government positions as if they know these people personally and will benefit directly by them being in office. Usually by the first half of the term Americans start seeing the same ole patterns and the neglected issues and broken promises as they did before. They still run to the polls with eagerness to vote for somebody term after term expecting a different outcome. Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Is this what is wrong with us as a nation, are we insane?
   When will Americans realize that Democrats and Republican parties do not relate to us in any way. People who are broke and living life struggling day to day think that because they have nothing they must be democrats.These same people think a democrat is in the position of power to help them and has the idea that republicans are for rich people and out to get them. This is the farthest from the truth. If your a normal American ( Not Rich ) then they are all out to get you. They are out to get you because you fall into this category and they think your stupid and they can do whatever they want with you and your money,and you will still vote for them as you do.
   These politicians over years of work, have formed there own social circle and use us Americans as pawns to play there game. While your trying to figure out how your gonna feed your family for the next month or how your gonna get to work for the next week, these people are sitting there thinking over a $10,000 bottle of campaign about how they can charge you more taxes on the wages from a job your struggling to get to just to take care of your family. They keep American people bickering and fighting among each other so our eyes are off of them and there wrong doing. They will use any tactic, from blaming each party or past Presidents to creating racial issues or even creating widespread events covered with so much media you will forget about the latest issue.   Rodney..........