Tuesday, July 19, 2011


   At times it is mind blowing when i hear people talk about the President or the new up runners for the position of being President, and other congressional or government positions as if they know these people personally and will benefit directly by them being in office. Usually by the first half of the term Americans start seeing the same ole patterns and the neglected issues and broken promises as they did before. They still run to the polls with eagerness to vote for somebody term after term expecting a different outcome. Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Is this what is wrong with us as a nation, are we insane?
   When will Americans realize that Democrats and Republican parties do not relate to us in any way. People who are broke and living life struggling day to day think that because they have nothing they must be democrats.These same people think a democrat is in the position of power to help them and has the idea that republicans are for rich people and out to get them. This is the farthest from the truth. If your a normal American ( Not Rich ) then they are all out to get you. They are out to get you because you fall into this category and they think your stupid and they can do whatever they want with you and your money,and you will still vote for them as you do.
   These politicians over years of work, have formed there own social circle and use us Americans as pawns to play there game. While your trying to figure out how your gonna feed your family for the next month or how your gonna get to work for the next week, these people are sitting there thinking over a $10,000 bottle of campaign about how they can charge you more taxes on the wages from a job your struggling to get to just to take care of your family. They keep American people bickering and fighting among each other so our eyes are off of them and there wrong doing. They will use any tactic, from blaming each party or past Presidents to creating racial issues or even creating widespread events covered with so much media you will forget about the latest issue.   Rodney..........

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