Tuesday, July 19, 2011


    Obesity is a word that I'm tired of hearing about. I'm tired of the government and other people relating obesity to somebody stuffing there faces with greasy fatty foods 10 times a day. While this may be true in some cases, these days people are having to buy crappy cheap brand generic foods because they cannot afford the healthier name brands. These cheaper foods are stripped of vital nutrients and vitamins and filled with bi products and sugars. These fillers cause you to gain rapid weight and still be hungry after a meal, because your body didn't get what it needed.
    Grocery chains started doing what the fast food restaurants started doing years back, they add sugar to everything and i wont mention any names because i don't want to be in any law suits, but if you do your research on the big chain fast food businesses you will find that they add sugar to things from french fries to hamburger buns, this is highly addictive believe it or not. Many Americans have no clue about whats in modern foods anymore, cancer is at a higher rate than its ever been.When i was a kid you hardly ever heard of people dying from cancers and heart attacks.
    This stuff comes from the things that are secretly, well i shouldn't say secretly because if people researched it they would know, but it comes from all these harmful additives that have no healthy benefits to our foods. Not long ago, a brand of milk from a certain HIGH KNOWN store, was proven that it contained hormones that made very young girls develop breast like grown women. They give chickens steroids so they will go from a chick to an full grown chicken ready for slaughter within 2 weeks. All this stuff is passed on to people. Ever heard of putting out rat poison to kill a rat and then a cat eat the rat and die? Well same effect, only your not dying immediately but your in taking harmful things that causes, birth defects, health problems, body changes, cancers, weight gain etc, all because they are adding things to our foods for there own profits.
   Here is another one for you, all across America we have sanitation stations,water filtration plants or whatever your local water treatment facility is called. The government requires them to add fluoride to the water before its drinkable, why? because fluoride makes men sterile and its about population control,which ill get into later in another blog. Autism and ADHD is at an all time high and nobody seems to even care, they already proved that it was linked to the Government required shots that your required to give your babies. Ill also do more on this topic in another blog also.   Rodney.........

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